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23-25 X 2014 r. konferencja All Quiet on the Eastern Front? World War I in Central and Eastern Europe in the experience of soldiers, social groups and local communities

Instytut Historii UJ serdecznie zaprasza w dniach 23-25 października b.r. na międzynarodową konferencję naukową poświęconą doświadczeniom, jakie były udziałem mieszkańców Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w czasie I wojny światowej. W 100-lecie wybuchu I wojny światowej uczestnicy konferencji z różnych państw (US.A, Republika Czeska, Słowacja, Ukraina, Niemcy, Austria, Wielka Brytania, Polska, Włochy) będą się zastanawiać nad tym czy doświadczenia Europy Środkowo Wschodniej były w jakiś sposób specyficzne i dlaczego dziś wiemy o nich tak niewiele. 

Konferencja odbywać się będzie w gmachu Instytutu Historii, w sali 56 w Collegium Novum oraz w budynku Muzeum Armii Krajowej. Językiem obrad będzie angielski.



All Quiet on the Eastern Front?

World War I in Central and Eastern Europe in the experience of soldiers, social groups and local communities

International conference – research workshop

Institute of History, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

23rd–25th October 2014






Thursday, 23 rd October

Collegium Novum, room 56 (2nd floor)

10.00   Opening

Sławomir Sprawski – Director of the Institute of History, Jagiellonian University

10.15 – 12.00 Panel 1: City and region. Chair: Tomasz Pudłocki             

Laurence Cole (University of Salzburg), Popular reactions to the Outbreak of the First World War in Austro-Hungary: a regional case-study of Salzburg

John Fahey (Purdue University), Imperial to National by Way of Urban: Przemyśl, Galicia 1918–1921

Kamil Ruszała (Jagiellonian University), "God, punish Germany and destroy Austria". Social reactions to political events and the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in Galicia (according to Ministerial sources)


12:00 – 12:15   Coffee Break

12:15 – 13:15                Panel 2: Life under occupation. Chair: Sławomir Kułacz

Jovana Knezevic (Stanford University), The Experience of Occupation in Habsburg Serbia during the First World War

Michał Wilczewski (University of Illinois at Chicago), The War at Home: Polish Villages during the First World War


13:15 – 15:00   Lunch Break

Museum of Home Army, Wit Stwosz Street 12

15:30 – Greeting

Janusz Mierzwa –  Jagiellonian University,  The Head of Museum of Home Army

15:30 – 17:00 Keynote Lecture

Maciej Górny (Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Racial Anthropology on the Eastern Front, 1912 to mid-1920s


17:00 – 17:30   Coffee Break. A walk through the building of the Museum of Home Army (former Austro-Hungarian barracks)

17:30 – 19:15   Panel 3 (Museum of Home Army, Wit Stwosz Street 12) War – the aftermath. Chair: Michał Wilczewski

Drew Burks (University of Kansas), The Persistence of Markets: Commerce and Consumers in Multi-Ethnic Galicia 1911–1921

Bartosz Ogórek (Jagiellonian University), Scarred by the war. The impact of WWI on the height and weight of the Krakow's schoolboys, 1922–1937

            Giuseppe Motta (Sapienza University of Rome), The Jews of Eastern Europe in the documents of the Joint Distribution Committee


 20:00   Reception

Friday, 24th October

National Archives in Krakow (Sienna 16 Street)

9.00 – 11.30 Workshop (registration requiredwielka.wojna@gmail.com) Aleksander Korolewicz (National Archives in Krakow),  Sources WW1 gathered in the National Archives in Krakow

Institute of History (Collegium Wiktowskiego), room 17 (ground floor)

12:00 – 13.45 Panel 4: "Oh, what a literary war!". Chair: Marcin Jarząbek

Martina Halamová (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice), Memoirs and fiction of the Czech writer Jaroslav Durych written at the front during World War I

Bohumil Jiroušek (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice), The experience of WWI in the diaries and memoirs of Karel Stloukal

Eliška Kozarcová (Catholic University in Ružomberok), Janko Jesenský during the First World War


13:45 – 15:00   Lunch Break

Institute of History (Collegium Wiktowskiego), room 17 (ground floor)

15:00 – 16:45                Panel 5: People at war. Chair: Bartosz Ogórek

Matthew Phillips (St. Marys College of Maryland), August von Mackensen, Social Integration and the Prusso-German Military Meritocracy

Daniel Bubenik (Charles University in Prague), On analysis of ego-documents of Czech soldiers of the Great War

Sławomir Kułacz (University of Gdańsk), The Leja family and the experience of  WW I – emotions, opinions, hopes


16:45 – 17:00   Coffee Break

17:00 – 18:00            Panel 6: Culture, social life and war. Chair: Kamil Ruszała

Oksana Dudko (Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv), Between the "High" Mission and Entertainment: Theatre Space and Artists' Living Strategies During the Russian Occupation of Lemberg (September 1914 – June 1915)

Marcin Jarząbek (Jagiellonian University),  First World War in Polish Popular Culture before 1939 – Local, National or Both?


18:00 – 18:15   Coffee Break

18:15 – 19:45   Keynote Lecture

                Michał Baczkowski (Jagiellonian University), Poles in the Austro-Hungarian Army              during the First World  War

                Discussion and final remarks

20:00 – Farewell dinner

Saturday, 25th October

8 AM – 6 PM: Tour to Limanowa–Łapanów (1914) and Gorlice–Tarnów (1915) battlefields(For the participants of the conference)


PROGRAMME - All Quiet on the Eastern Front?



Data opublikowania: 15.10.2014
Osoba publikująca: Tomasz Tekieli